Quoteing any text is awesome.

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Quoteing any text is awesome.

Post by JFranadis »


I really like the quotin any text of the post feature. Thanks for keeping it on such a Forum.
Preeti Ganesh
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Re: Quoteing any text is awesome.

Post by Preeti Ganesh »

Hi JFranadis,

How do we do it? Can you please explain more?
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Anuj Dhawan
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Re: Quoteing any text is awesome.

Post by Anuj Dhawan »

Preeti Ganesh wrote: Hi JFranadis,

How do we do it? Can you please explain more?
Select any text from my reply on any reply from this topic, a pop-up will come - click on that. Rest is business-as-usual.
I really like the quotin any text of the post feature. Thanks for keeping it on such a Forum.
Thanks for the feedback, appreciate that.

Disclaimer: My comments on this website are my own and do not represent the opinions or suggestions of any other person or business entity, in any way.
Preeti Ganesh
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Re: Quoteing any text is awesome.

Post by Preeti Ganesh »

Anuj Dhawan wrote: Rest is business-as-usual.
wow, great... thanks Anuj!
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