S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

JES2/3, JCL, utilities.
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S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

Post by Kailash »

I'm getting S806 bend while executing the PKZIP in one of my job. This job is exactly same as my fried is using but he is not getting the amend. I have a different testing condition for a COBOL program but everything else os same for the PKZIP step. Why does this happen can someone help?
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Robert Sample
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Re: S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

Post by Robert Sample »

S806 is a missing load module. It is possible that you do not have the same security access as your friend and hence you get the S806. It is also possible that you THINK the jobs are identical when they are not. For a more accurate explanation, you would need to post the JCL and messages generated by the job (preferably both the good job your friend runs as well as yours).
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Re: S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

Post by Kailash »

I have compared the two Jobs line by line and understood that if CLASS=T is used the Job is working and if there is some CLASS is used it is not working. Why does this happen>? Can someone tell me?
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Re: S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

Post by nicc »

Possibly thet other class is directed to a different processor that does not have the same set-up. Look at the system messages produced at the start of your output and compare the two executions.
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Robert Sample
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Re: S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

Post by Robert Sample »

It is not unusual for a site to define certain job classes to run on certain processors. And if you run your job in a different job class, you run on a different processor -- one that does not have the PKZIP load module available. Hence the behavior you see. This could have been explained to you by your site support group if you had contacted them first.
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Re: S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

Post by Kailash »

Thanks Robert. There is no site support group or if there is a group we don't have access to them. What is you are calling as "processor", are you saying about "LPAR"?
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Re: S806 bend while executing the PKZIP.

Post by Robert Sample »

No, a processor is hardware -- the engine underlying everything z/OS-related. An LPAR is defined to use a processor; different LPARs may run on the same processor, or they may run on completely different machines. And depending upon how your site is set up, that could drastically change what software you can use in each LPAR.
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