Men versus Women… Who is more complicated?

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Men versus Women… Who is more complicated?

Post by Angel »

Women are always assumed to be more complicated than men. It is believed that understanding a woman is most difficult task across the globe. The complication is quite often highlighted amongst married couples where men keep complaining about women. Though it might be difficult to understand a woman, it is equally difficult to understand men as well. Through this article, I have highlighted on the most frequently asked question amongst all married couples, ‘Who’s more complicated… Men or Women? ’ Rather, why men too seem to be complicated and complex to understand by women?

To begin with, Man marries a Woman, expects her to change herself to adapt to new things and altogether a new environment but then complaints of her getting changed after marriage. All Men want their wives to be master chef right from day one though they might not even the basics of cooking. They expect their wives to look beautiful but will not agree upon her spending money on parlour. They will argue with wife for buying expensive things but, will seldom follow the same while buying things for themselves. They love to seek attention all the time but when it comes to doing the same for their counterpart, feel ashamed of doing it. They want their wives to be working but at the same time will complain of her for not spending enough time with family. They will want their wives to be presentable all the time but will themselves believe in simplicity. They want their wives to be helpful to in-laws but are too tired to help out owns dad at work. They want their wives to get off the bed early morning but will themselves be getting up only after the wife is annoyed of waking them up. They will want their wives to be responsible towards their children but will rather find excuses towards their own responsibility to it. They will not like to be with their wives but will always want her to be with them in crises. They want their homes to be clean but will never help themselves in reducing the mess. They want their wives to be educated but will not like when wife is asking something to them for her knowledge. They like to be late from office for the extra pampering they get on reaching home but will never appreciate their wife to be late to home. They easily get annoyed when wife does any comparison but will always compare their wives with that of others.

As rightly said, ‘Never try to love man, just understand him’. This fact holds true as men will never be happy by a single women specially if that women is his wife. They are designed to be loyal to the fact, ’Men will be Men’. On the other hand it says, ‘Never try to understand woman, just love her’ which actually means love and affection is enough to acknowledge a women for all the sacrifices throughout her life. Unfortunately, the reverse is being followed amongst every couple where man is trying to understand a woman and woman trying to love a man. The idea behind writing this articles doesn’t lay in criticizing men or women. The basic idea behind this is each one of us is complicated. Everyone has different nature and follows different rules. It is not solely the problem of gender. Constantly complaining about women or men will never help but will eventually complicate relationships. Let’s not try to find faults in others because we all know each one of us is imperfect.

Source: an internal website at office.
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