On Hercules can we simulate CICS?

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On Hercules can we simulate CICS?

Post by Hercules »


On Hercules can we simulate CICS?
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Re: On Hercules can we simulate CICS?

Post by enrico-sorichetti »

hercules is an HARDWARE emulator ...
You will need a full working operating system.
after that any program supported by the operating system running will work.

and it will not be simulated... it will be the real thing.
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort 8-)

Re: On Hercules can we simulate CICS?

Post by Hercules »

Thanks but I don't quite understand the word "Hardware emulator"?? What is hardware telling me here?
after that any program supported by the operating system running will work.
I think I did not post well previously, I wanted to know that CICS should not be a free product so will I be able to run it even after having the operating system?
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Re: On Hercules can we simulate CICS?

Post by enrico-sorichetti »

think of Hercules as belonging to the family of virtualizers-hardware emulators ( VMware, Parallels, VirtualBox, ..., ..., ... )

You start VMware, attach a real/virtual cdrom and start the installation of windows, linux, whatever operating system supported

You start hercules, define the appropriate virtual devices with the appropriate disk images of the operating system You are allowed to run
and there You go , You have a mainframe operating system alive and kicking.

unfortunately CICS is not a free product.
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort 8-)
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Re: On Hercules can we simulate CICS?

Post by vbcoen »

Using the Free Turnkey 4 (to update 7) product which includes kics you can run under Hercules all aspects of the MVS system.
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