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forced to replace a person who has 7 years of experience whereas I only have 2 years

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:46 pm
by RajuRastogi
Hi everyone,

So I am in a situation where I am being forced to replace a person who has 7 years of experience whereas I only have 2 years of experience on the mainframe. Where I will have to manage 4-5 applications alone without any other teammates onshore. It's a project which directly deals with offshore client.

I don't know if they are trying to do this because of budget issues but the person whom I'm going to replace told me that it's going to be challenging

Should I see this as an opportunity to grow or someone suggest to me what to do? I have never worked under that person or project and I'll be given KT for 15 days only.

Re: forced to replace a person who has 7 years of experience whereas I only have 2 years

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:58 pm
by zum13

If this is one of those no choice situations, then yes, look on this as something you can learn from. As a subcontractor, I've had to jump in to new systems repeatedly over the years and it does take a little time to get accustomed to each system and it's particular foibles, but it does ease with time.

I don't know if you are going to have access to the person you are replacing, but if you do, find out all you can and grab any documentation you can lay your hands on. One of the things the last place I worked did was to set up a wiki on the systems they were maintaining. Turns out it is an excellent way of keeping notes and sharing the knowledge, so if you can get something like that set up I'd highly recommend it.