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Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:29 am
by Anuj Dhawan

we have a new download!

Description: READSMF and its Assembler subroutine TODCONV (available in the Assembler section for download) is a COBOL program that reads SMF records and decodes them. The program, at the moment, includes SMF data through z/OS 1.8 (with a few selected 1.10 fields). It is designed to show how to process SMF data in COBOL, and includes decryption of bits, conversion of a value to hexadecimal, and how to process SMF triplets (offset, length, count) for data groupings. It displays a lot of SMF record data, and hence can generate many lines of output per SMF record input (potentially several thousand lines). TODCONV takes an 8-byte clock value (where bit 51 represents 1 microsecond) and converts it to date / time for the COBOL program. These clock values are used in various SMF records.
Category: COBOL
Click here to go to the download page!

Have fun!