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FB to VB conversion with a split.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:05 pm
by Punit Issar

For one of the testing I want to copy a FB file to a new VB file. But when we do this, I need to split existing records to create a new record whevever x'15' is present anywehre in the input record. Could you please advise how can I do that.

Both the file are of LERECL=80. I can use ICETOOL or SORT both the solutions.


Re: FB to VB conversion with a split.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:05 pm
by William Collins
Can the logical records you are splitting "span" multiple physical records? What is their maximum length? What is their minimum length? Please show a representative sample of your input, and the expected output for that sample.