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Make a CICS program work as an API.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:39 pm
by The Date

We have some program which are working with 'windows based' interfaces. These windows front end system makes a call to CICS program to get the value from DFHCOMMAREA. My question is, can an existing CICS program start working with any such windows interfaces, just like that without any changes to CICS program or it requires more to make them communicate with windows based systems?

Is there any IBM document which can explain this?

Re: Make a CICS program work as an API.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:22 am
by Robert Sample
As long as the "windows based interface" programs meet the CICS requirements, you should be able to get them to work with CICS. However, it all depends upon what you're trying to do. IBM provides a manual ... rview.html that describes the various interfaces CICS can use and how to code them. I recommend start reading this manual.